5 Wishes for My Birthday Boy

Dear Jackson,

I can't believe today is your 5th birthday! I know you're excited to blow out the candles on your cake and make a wish, but first, I'd like to make a few wishes of my own.

My first wish is that you'll always love to laugh.  You laugh with your whole body, and the pure joy you exude is contagious.  I love when your tickle box gets turned over and you can hardly breathe because you're laughing so hard.  Life will be a whole lot easier if you have the ability to laugh at yourself, and you definitely crack yourself up, as evidenced by the way you die laughing at your made up "Why did the chicken cross the road?" jokes.  Take it from someone who's been there- that laugh of yours will probably get you into trouble once or twice.  That's okay.  It's like my man Jimmy Buffett says, "If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane."

My second wish is that you will always be passionate about what you love.  From the time you could talk, everyone knew your favorite color was BLUE.  Over the years, your sweet teachers have tried to help you branch out, especially during art, but much like Picasso, you seem determined to have your own Blue Period.  Your love of everything blue has only been surpassed by your love of (or obsession with!) giraffes.  I don't think anybody else would ever think of asking Santa for a blue giraffe, but even at two, you knew exactly what you liked.  I hope you will always stay true to who you are and be proud of what makes you you.

My third wish is that you will always stay curious and enjoy learning.  As a baby, you literally ate the spine of Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?, which led your dad to say you hungered for knowledge.  As corny as that joke was, it is true you are constantly thinking and questioning the world around you.  We never know what question you're going to ask next.  It could be anything from How do earthworms poop? to Why is A'ja Wilson so tall?  Some days you ask so many questions, we think you're destined to be an interrogator for the CIA.  Having been in your hot seat on more than one occasion, I feel sure you would get any criminal to confess in a matter of minutes!  The best part of your curiosity is that you make me think about things I would never even consider, so I hope you will stay full of wonder and appreciate details other people may overlook.

My fourth wish is that you will always have a strong faith.  It's no secret you love going to church.  Even though right now you go more to see your friends and eat Mr. Tim's sausage biscuits and chicken fingers than you go to hear the sermon, I hope church will continue to be a place where you find support and happiness.  I never will forget the day you came home asking if we could play David and Goliath.  You wanted to be David and volunteered Reeves to be Goliath.  While I had to veto that idea--I didn't really want to explain to DSS why I let a three year old throw rocks at his brother's head--I hope you will always love the story of David and Goliath.  Throughout life, when you face your own giants, may you remember God is constantly with you, giving you strength.

My fifth wish is for you to always have a close relationship with your little brother.  I know you weren't too sure about him when he first arrived on the scene, but it's obvious you were meant to be a big brother.  I know you get tired of the way he follows you everywhere- I get it, I'd like to go to the bathroom by myself once in awhile too- but he only stalks you because he thinks you're the coolest.  My favorite sound is hearing the two of you laughing and playing when I'm in another room.  I love to stop and just listen to the giggles.  Granted, I know the laughter will eventually lead to, "Mom, Reeves sat on me," but that's just how he shows his love.  He'll grow out of it . . . we hope.  And while we can all look forward to the day he finds another way to show his affection, I hope you'll never grow out of your friendship with one another.

Happy birthday, Jack Jack.  May all your wishes come true.